Model Rockets
Model Rockets
Model rockets are fantastic fun, very entertaining and if you follow a few simple guidelines they will ensure you get the maximum enjoyment and use out of your new rocket set!
There are 4 main parts needed to launch your rocket, the model rocket, a launch pad, ignition system and the rocket engine to propel the model skywards. The easiest, most cost effective way to get everything needed is to buy a starter set. These contain a rocket, launch pad, ignition system and full instructions. The starter sets do not contain rocket engines, as these need to packaged separately to ensure safe bulk transportation as they are classed as fireworks. Rocket engines have different ratings according to the height they will propel the rocket.
The Taser or the Patriot starter sets together with B6-4 Engines are an ideal combination for those exciting first flights! Next, is to find a suitable flying site. A large flat open area, football pitch size at a minimum and away from roads, houses, overhead cables and trees is needed. Choose a nice calm day or evening and set your launch pad up as far upwind as you can, bearing in mind that when the rocket returns to earth on its parachute, any breeze will carry it downwind. Extend the ignition system wires to their full length to ensure that you and any spectators are a safe distance away from the launch pad. 3... 2... 1.. Blast Off! Watch as your rocket races skywards, before popping its parachute and drifting gently to earth, ready for its next flight! A whole range of rocket kits are available, all of which will work with your launch pad and ignition system.
Model Rocketry teaches science, maths, industrial technology and other subjects. There is a wealth of useful information available, including free publication downloads for educators, extensive curriculum support materials and learning software.
The fun begins with an Excellent Starter Set then add to your rockets both from prepainted and decorated rockets kits to be made. With a choice of rocket styles and either streamer or parachute recovery, model rocketry can be seen as a fun hobby, or an exact science.